About me

Four cordial touches per day is the subsistence minimum, eight needs the person for his well-being, twelve for the development of his personality.

Virginia Satir

My name is Manuela Müller,

but most people who know me call me Manu, which means bird in Hawaiian. Bird — a symbol of freedom and lightness. When I trained in Hawaii for the LomiLomi massage and fell in love with the islands and people on it, it was like coming home. That was more than 10 years ago. At that time, the “Aloha Spirit” touched me deeply. It is about love and kindness with yourself and others in the knowledge that God is present. This is the beginning of my (spiritual) journey and passion for travel.

Since then I traveled a lot, especially in Asia.

In Thailand I took the Thai yoga massage and discovered the path of Tantra. In India I completed a yoga teacher training. Thus, the spiritual path of Tantra, Yoga and Christ consciousness has become my main life content. Profession and travel merge smoothly into each other and are thus firmly integrated into my life.

Thus, my last trip took me to Mexico and Guatemala, where I learned a lot about the “medicine” of trauma work and cacao. Somatic trauma work is now one of my main therapies as a healing practitioner.

My desire is to help you on your path. Not with a “pill” against the symptoms, but to address your issue at the root. So I work out with you a treatment, consultation and support for your personal healing path.

Feel free and light like a bird (Manu) and come with ease to more life energy and power (Mana) — ManuMana – time to be (healing for body & soul).


Training Fitness Trainer – IFAA

Training Trainer for Spinal Gymnastics – DFAV

Training Tao-Massage – Star Academy

Massage – healing hands in the Thalmus NaturopathIc School

Foot reflex zones at the Paracelsus Naturopathic School

Personal trainer IFAA

Hot Stone Paracelsus School

Rehab Trainer – IFAA

Nutrition Trainer – IFAA

Training Craniosacrale body therapy
(Thalamus HP School)

Training LomiLomi massage in Hawaii

Thai Yoga Massage Training at Sunshine Massage School in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chi Nei Tsang massage training at Sunshine Massage School in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Medical practitioner training successfully completed at the Thalamus School Stuttgart

Training Ear Acupuncture (TCM)

Yoga Teacher Training in India (200 h)

Training as phytopractitioner (Freiburger Heilpflanzenschule)

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