The Heiloase Süd
Neugereutstr. 17
70199 Stuttgart
E-Mail: info[at]
Mobil: +49 (0) 172 7875339
Festnetz: +49 (0) 711 12165346
The core of CS Therapy is not therapy in the sense that something is wrong and needs to be treated properly, but a way to contact the wholeness and innate health. The therapist assists the process on all levels on which this path shows itself – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle body-oriented treatment. It is based on the work with the craniosacral rhythm, which is triggered by the so-called liquor, the cerebrospinal fluid and spinal cord fluid. It nourishes, moves and protects the nervous system from the head (cranium) to the sacrum.
The rhythm inherent in this fluid is often called the “Breath of Life” and is similar to the rhythms of the breath and the heartbeat. The treatment consists of gentle physical contact, guided by empathic listening on a physical and emotional level.
The procedure
After a short preliminary talk you stretch out comfortably (in comfortable loose clothing) on a massage table and place yourself for about one hour trustingly in sensitive hands. You may only notice the gentle touch (especially on the head, spine and sacrum). However, the relaxation that is achieved can go very deep and be more lasting for many people than, for example, a pure massage.
Treatment costs
One hour of treatment including consultation is charged with 80 €. Detailed first consultation (anamnesis) 1-2 hours 80 to 160 € (billing is in 10 minute intervals).
The costs for further treatment appointments depend on the respective applications. Billing is according to the scale of fees for alternative practitioners (GebüH). Please note that payment is currently only possible in cash.
Is the treatment covered by health insurance? In the case of invoices for submission to private health insurance, GebüH will also be charged. Please ask your health insurance company before you start treatment.
cancellation fee
A cancellation fee of 80 € will be charged for reserved appointments that are not taken or are not cancelled at least 24 hours before the start of the session.
One hour of treatment / incl. Advice will be charged with 80, – €. Extensive initial consultation (anamnesis) 1 – 2 hours 80 to 160 euros (billing takes place every 10 minutes).
The costs for further treatment appointments depend on the respective applications. The billing takes place after the fee regulation for non-medical practitioner (GebüH). Please note that the payment is currently only possible with cash.
Extra Charge
For reserved appointments that are not attended or canceled until at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting, a cancellation fee of € 80 will be charged.
Is the treatment taken over by the health insurance? For settlements for submission to the private health insurance is billed according GebüH. Please inquire best before starting treatment at your health insurance.